A downloadable desktop 2d engine tool for Windows

Desktop Obstacle Engine is free and transforms your Windows Desktop into a 2d engine with collision detection in realtime for any sprites you want!

Remeber the old "sheep" running around on the desktop? This is the next level of this kind of software!

No installation or registration requried. Simply extract the RAR and run the EXE.

You can customize your DOE skin files with any sprites you want (examples like Star Wars or Batman Returns from SNES, Guybrush Threepwood from Monkey Island, Sheep and Metalslug are included). Customize your collision box and give it a unique behaviour. The sprite will now walk/fly around on your desktop. Windows are obstacles. Gravity (if you want) is applied to the walking sprite.

You can share your created DOE skins via DOE skin packages (DOP files, editor included) with other users.

Create your animated GIF files with the integrated easy to use GIF editor.

You want any game sprite walking around on your desktop with collision detection of your open apps/windows? DOE is the way to go!

DOE runs in realtime WHILE you can use your desktop/os (move windows etc) !!!

Example: Your sprite walks on a window, you minimize it, the sprite will fall to ground using its falling animation.

It supports sound and interactions between active DOE's on your desktop.

No programming language, easy point and click ( programming seen in beta video clip was changed to simple mouse click operations ).

You also can autorun DoE skins without showing the editor, no need to push the "hide app" button.

Video of the DoE workflow ( video is made with beta version, you download the final version )

DoE in full action

Using the sprites from the old Windows Sheep app for testing


DOE_free.rar 5.3 MB

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